—   Lesson series

Power Automate

Power Automate empowers us to build business processes (such as tasks & approvals), and behind the scenes software automations (such as manipulating and synchronizing data between systems) with one powerful tool.

Sprinkle in it's AI capabilities, endless customization options, and the fact that's it's included with Microsoft 365 subscriptions and BOOM!
Write your awesome label here.
  • Self-Paced Course

    Learn and perform the challenges at your own pace, in your own time
  • A Live Expert Coach

    You will regularly check in with a live expert who will guide you every step of the way
  • Real-World Problems To Solve

    Taken from our personal experience helping businesses

Master Power Automate or Money Back 

When we say you can master Power Automate in 3 days we mean it.  Our unique teaching methodology has been tested on numerous software consultants, all with zero Power Automate experience, some with zero software experience. 

Within 3 days
they were able to not just help clients, but lead meetings and solve complex business problems.  

Power Automate is one of the most customizable development tools, and that makes it powerful and dangerous.  It's easy to build a simple Flow that sends emails, but what if your business has some complex steps or external systems? 

Picking the right solution means completing tasks fast and efficiently, and going home early. The wrong choice means cancelling dinner plans to fix process errors to avoid disappointed users.

This course is to make sure you build it right the first time.  You'll impress your project managers, fellow developers, and yourself. If you don't achieve mastery, we'll return money immediately.    

You get a private coach!  

That's right – your own private coach!  Who will meet with you 1x1. The course consists of self-paced video lessons, hands-on projects and private coaching.

That winning combination, along with out innovative teaching strategies, is our "special sauce" to mastering Power Automate. 

The coach will ensure this course is personally catered to your goals, and you gain expertise in record time.

You will solve challenging, real world business problems with your coach - ensuring rapid course completion because like a personal trainer, they're always at your side helping and cheering you on.

You complete the lessons on your time and meet with your coach when convenient for you.  Win win!  

Goals for this course:

  • You make the "right" technical decision every time 
  • You're never "lost for words" on how to solve a problem in Power Automate
  • Colleagues thank you for spotting weaknesses in their code
  • Seasoned architects review your code and think, "Well done - good thinking".   

 Many programs will give you videos, but how many will personally take their time to ensure you succeed?  

 Many programs will give you videos, but how many personally take their time to ensure you succeed?  

Empty space, drag to resize

Goals for this course:

  • You make the "right" technical decision every time 
  • You're never "lost for words" on how to solve a problem in Dynamics 365
  • Colleagues thank you for spotting weaknesses in their code
  • Seasoned architects review your code and think, "Well done - good thinking".   

Can't I learn this for free on YouTube?   

I've had developers watch a Power Automate tutorial and think they're ready for real business scenarios.  I'd give them a task and they'd replicate the approaches in those tutorials. 

They'd quickly realize those videos are often only good for hyper-specific or very simple use cases.   
Their solutions had numerous costly errors that would make our clients furious:
  • Flows that ran for days instead of minutes
  • No error handling resulting in hours of debugging
  • Money wasted on premium connectors that weren't necessary
  • Security threats from not understanding permissions

The list goes on and ended in everyone working late nights...and offering up apologies to clients.  
We built this course so your first experiences in Power Automate will be the complete opposite and include
  • Dazzling managers and stakeholders
  • Spending time with loved ones instead of at work
  • Getting bonuses for solving the hard problems
  • Sleeping well knowing you crushed your demo

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

We're here to help you master Power Automate - not steal your money. 
If you are not satisfied within the first 30 days, we'll provide a refund.


Meet your instructor

Hi!  I'm Dustin Sitton.  Besides teaching, I run a nationally-recognized software company.  I need my employees trained in record time for my business to succeed.  Many of the teaching strategies in this course came from years of trying to create the most efficient approach to learning software. 

I'm excited to share all the innovative techniques I've used on my team to train you!  Read more about us